
Contiinex Bots

Contiinex Bots provide automation and real-time customer service without the need for manual intervention or large team involvement.

By integrating with any 3rd party system, Contiinex Bots can work independently to complete tasks based on real time data so you can be sure that your customers will get a perfect blend of automation and workforce to ensure a continuum at every stage of their journey with you.

Use bots to automate repetitive tasks and contact customers in real time. Contiinex bots are curated to analyze and interpret data. They can interpret data much faster and run thousands of tests each second to provide accurate outcomes

Easy to integrate with automation tools like WhatsApp/Chat bot or a Visual IVR to create a continuum of a process from automation to workforce. This ensures there is no breakage in the end to end conversation flow of customer engagement


Integrations are easy with Contiinex


